The Sabian Orientation

The Structure Of The Assembly

L: the discipline A Grecian-style initiation provided by study and activity in neophyte, acolyte and legate grades of individual accomplishment.

C: the laya centers The maintenance of the Assembly as a network of active autonomous groups, each a matrix of race, culture or personal distinctiveness.

D: the monitors The strengthening of continuity for the laya centers through the oversight of their functions by the immortal leadership they develop.

H: the screen of prophecy The editing and reissuing of the Sabian lessons and letters in their cycles and so building a creative rapport with current history.

The Orientations of The Assembly

E: spiritualism The doctrine of personal immortality dramatized by the contribution of the deceased to the living through psychic or like phenomena.

F: the cabala The doctrines of occult cosmogony and psychology dramatizing a superior reality in which man may gain exceptional gifts and powers.

A: astrology The doctrine of interlacing relevancies that dramatize a cosmic order through which man can master everyday life and control his destiny.

G: mental therapy The doctrine of mind discipline or soul quickening dramatized in meditation or self-assertion and conscious rejection of limitations.

The Techniques of The Assembly

M: metaphysics The way of ordering life by a world view in philosophy or an account of reality well justified in history and verified through faith.

J: education The way of ordering life by training people in appreciation of common values or in adjustment to realities of broadest acceptance.

B: drama The way of ordering life by exaggeration of its features in order to bring dignity to man's activity and build enduring rapport in human ties.

K: art The way of ordering life by exalting special elements of it sufficiently to add dimension to realization and so develop aesthetic appreciation.

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